Friday, July 20, 2012

Easy Vegan Breakfast: Cultured Coconut Milk Parfait

Easy Vegan Breakfast: Cultured Coconut Milk Parfait
If you make a semi-serious effort to limit you meat and dairy-intake in any given week, you may soon also be more thoughtful regarding your intake of soy.  Too much soy can be a concern for people with soy allergies as well as sensitive members of the population such as small children and pregnant women-something I discussed in an earlier post on vegan family dinners.  But as a general rule, it is never a good idea to eat too much of any one food.  Soy is the primary ingredient of many meat and dairy-substitutes, but luckily there are rice-based, almond-based or even coconut-based alternatives to soy in both these categories. 

Vegans and non-vegans alike want the health advantages often attributed to the probiotics of yogurt and in fact, vegan cultures can be found in substitutes for traditional yogurt.  If you are trying to manage or limit your soy intake, cultured coconut milk, with 6 active & live cultures, is a great substitute for soy yogurt in a breakfast parfait.  It is a bit of an acquired taste at first and less of it is needed than would be in a traditional or even soy yogurt parfait, but I began to really like the taste especially knowing that coconut oil and coconut milk are prized for containing a healthy form of saturated fat.  Since I began to limit my intake of meat and dairy, I have been frustrated to see that most traditional grocery stores (as opposed to health food stores) carry very few meat and dairy-substitutes and those they do sell are almost always soy products.  Hopefully, however, as more people choose to limit their meat and dairy-intake for reasons of both personal health and of environmental sustainability, we will see more alternatives, like cultured coconut milk, in all our grocery stores.

Cultured Coconut Milk Parfait
Served 2

1 cup Cultured Coconut Milk ( I used the vanilla flavor of So Delicious brand)
2 cups healthy whole-grain cereal (I used 365 Everyday Value Berry Flax Protein & Fiber Crunch, which derives its protein from soy--another good reason to eliminate soy in the yogurt portion of the parfait)
1 cup strawberries, hulled and sliced

Directions: Layer cultured coconut milk, cereal and strawberries in a bowl and serve for a quick and easy vegan breakfast.

Cultured Coconut Milk Parfait: A quick and easy vegan breakfast

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