Monday, April 9, 2012

Healthy Eating at Costco?

The healthy haul from my last Costco run

 In the headlines today, you may have seen mention of a new scientific study connecting maternal obesity & diabetes to a higher likelihood of autism diagnoses in their children.  Though these results are certainly new, probably controversial and in need further exploration, it still seems like there couldn't be a better time than the present for women of child-bearing age like myself to do what they can to be healthy.   Could Costco be the place to start?!?

While most of us may think of Costco as an emporium for all things unhealthy, and that it can certainly be,  if you walk past all the meat, cheese, cookies & cake, you may discover a wide range of healthy eating options as I did on my last trip.  And while Costco shopping certainly isn't local and not always organic (though they do have many organic foods), it is convenient to buy large quantities of healthy foods so you have less excuses to order in or drive through and pick up the bad stuff.

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